Just a pre warning...there are no pictures in this post. Sorry! My camera is broken ( sad sad day... ) so I'm a little behind on the whole picture thing.
I feel like so much has happened since my last post.
* Im back at work.
* Leighton is now 11 lbs
* Which in turn means I left Leighton for more than 2 hours, the previous record.
* She has a clogged eye duct, so it oozes all day..its pretty gross. ha! I had them a lot when I was a baby.
* Her vision is PERFECT..praise God.
* She now sleeps in her car seat, and through most shopping trips....most.
* She officially wears only size 3 month.
* This week we have to move to size 2 diapers...I STILL don't know where this adorable chubbiness is coming from?!
* Still hates to get dressed...this she is going to need to grow out of haha
* Still taking all her naps, and sleeping like a pro at night. Although this week she has woken at 4, and 6, at 4 she cries it out and at 6 i give her her paci and she goes back down till 7. Im thinking the whole transition from going back to work etc has her a little thrown off. We will get back to 10-7 soon enough. :)
* Isn't really reaching for any toys yet, but kicks her legs like crazy.
* Talking ( cooing haha ) constantly. Mostly with me, and her GiGi. Everyone else she prefers to just stare at haha.
* Does this cute thing where she folds her arms across her chest and holds her hands. So precious.
* Getting cuter and smarter every day. Oh and fatter to :)
So much has been happening in her little world. Obviously the most significant would be me going back to work. Thankfully Taylor's bosses wife Tiffany is keeping her at her house! I was going to put her in the daycare where my sister works, I know they would have taken amazing care of her, but it was SO expensive, and I knew they wouldn't be able to keep her on her schedule that Baby Wise teaches, so I was so excited when Tiffany offered! She has a 3 year old little boy, whom apparently Leighton has grown attached to. Tiffany said she just stares at him while she's playing on the floor. Her first crush, how sweet :)
I was a little nervous going back to work. Not so much for Leighton, but for Tiffany. I can be stressful taking care of a little baby your not familiar with, so I was just nervous Leighton wouldn't nap for her, be fussy etc. Yesterday when I picked her up I asked Tiffany how she had done, and she just went on and on about what an amazing baby she was, how she was such a joy to be with, how she ate, played, and napped so easily and how happy she was when she was awake. She said " You seriously have the easiest happiest baby Ive ever seen! " I was so ecstatic! I so wanted Tiffany to enjoy her being there, and I wanted Leighton to be just as comfortable with Tiffany as she was with me..and so far it seems to be going that way! Its awesome knowing that while I'm at work, she's having a good time :)
Well, time to get my coffee, load up the kid, go to the sitters, and head to work! This whole new world of "working mom" is exhausting. Cant wait for 6:00 to come home and see my baby!
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