Tuesday, February 7, 2012

a little revelation

so this might be the most random blog I've ever written...theres no good "flow" to it so ill just get started...it is what it is haha

3 days ago on Facebook i mentioned i wanted a Bible, I've never read through one, and i wanted one to call my own..to highlight, underline, etc. and possibly one day pass on to Leighton. SO my super awesome mother in law Deb got me one, along with highlighters and everything! she's the best :)

ok on to the next point. haha i told you this would be all over the place.

i had this plan for my 45 minute napper, to keep her up 1.5 hours in between every nap and she would eventually catch on, it seems like a good plan, but something in my gut..or wherever your mom intuition is..was just telling me no. SO the night before last i was saying my prayers..and it went a little something like this.

me: "God, thank you so much for today...thank you for your continued blessings on.."
God: "LUKE"
me: "ummmm ok ill start in Luke tomorrow! thanks! ...so anyways thank you for taylor, and the hard work he does to support our family..."
God: " go back to what worked before, start over"

isn't it AWESOME when God talks to us? its even better i think when he interrupts us so we KNOW its him! i hadn't known where to start in reading the Bible..from the beginning? at random? well, apparently it was in Luke! I've already highlighted a TON of things!

and as far as the whole "go back, start over" that was about Leighton. Go back to before things started to go wrong, before the holidays..before all the sickness...the rolling..etc. so thats exactly what i did! yesterday i kept her up for one hour and 5 minutes in the morning...she took at 1 hour 45 minute nap! she wiggled a lot, but she slept through! the other two naps were a failure, I'm slowing adding 5 minutes per wake time every day until we hit that sweet spot...God is guiding us, theres no other hands id ever feel more capable in! today has started off just as good, i kept her up for an hour and 10 minutes, and we are 30 minutes away from a 2 hour nap!

i don't want people to get the wrong image of our lives. we are not hermits, we don't stay home all day every day so leighton can nap. there are days we miss a nap, we go shopping, we go on walks, we visit family. but i think its very important for her to have a schedule thats solid and set, so on the days we do miss naps we can bounce back the next day. if you have a baby that doesn't nap well and regularly don't you notice how lethargic OR the opposite, how hyperactive they are? do they wake in the night still if they're past 4 months old? well rested babies don't do that..and i want my baby well rested. I'm not crazy, I'm not anti-social or anything like that...i just want whats best for my little girl.

that motherly intuition..its something i tell ya! God knows how to create moms thats for sure :) I'm so thankful for the word of God..and for hands of friends and family who continue to poor out love and support for our sweet family. thank you thank you.

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